Breakout Session: 600
Adventist Early Childhood Programs: Business or Ministry?
Who are we? What we are supposed to be doing? Directors have a myriad of responsibilities from curriculum, assessment, hiring, staffing issues, budgets, marketing and state and federal requirements. How are we supposed to control costs and expenditures while raising money, teaching and leading, and still attain our program’s mission?
Presenter:Christine Gillan Byrne
Room: Belmont A -
Building Relationships Between Homeschooling Families and Church Schools
As more parents choose to educate their children at home, church school educators are faced with questions of how to support these families. This presentation will examine the questions and dilemmas of homeschoolers and teachers, and real-life solutions that have been explored in various communities. Questions and discussion will be encouraged.
Presenter:Cheryl Des Jarlais
Room: Magnolia Boardroom B -
Building a Positive Self Image in Your Students
Learn how to discover and cultivate positive character traits in your students. The world has many messages that it sends our children. What message are you sending? Join me as I outline a step-by-step plan to help your child form their identity in Christ in the early childhood setting.
Presenter:Lori Thieme
Room: Belle Meade B -
Theory Translated Into Plan
Our profession needs you! Come laugh and learn as you playfully experience ways to remember six theoretical principles for play. You will leave with a renewed passion and ability to advocate for academic curriculum based on the theory of play.
Presenter:Krystal Bishop
Room: Presidential Boardroom B -
Intentional Lesson Planning in Early Childhood Education
In this workshop, participants will learn how to plan for all parts of the daily routine using the children’s interests and developmental abilities, curriculum content, and classroom materials. Participants will learn how to use scaffolding when planning for individual children as well as the group as a whole.
Presenter:Ursula Ansbach
Room: Presidential Boardroom A -
Your Brain on Music
How to use music in the elementary classroom to teach, motivate and energize.
Presenter:Carol Pawluk
Room: Jackson E -
ABC’s, 1,2,3’s and PE: Using Physical Activity to Teach Curriculum
Dr. Don Morgan will open this session by highlighting current research linking physical fitness to academic performance in youth. Dr. Debbie Morgan will then demonstrate how core curricular topics can be taught to K-4 elementary students using movement activities in a kinesthetic learning style. (Audience participation format.)
Presenter:Debbie Morgan
Room: Jackson C -
Celebrating the Writing of Children in the Primary Grades
Publishing and sharing the writing of young children often appears difficult and overwhelming to the busy teacher. Secrets will be shared for celebrating the writing accomplishments of young students. There will be samples of simple classroom projects and celebrations in addition to culminating Author’s Nights events.
Presenter:Mariann Beddoe
Room: Jackson A -
Kindergarten Stepping Stones Assessment
This breakout session will give an overview of how to measure growth using Kindergarten Stepping Stones assessment tools. It will focus on how to document student progress using a variety of assessments, such as student portfolios, observation, anecdotal notes, tracking cards, and other tools.
Presenter:Debra Fryson
Room: Jackson F -
Innovative Methods to Teach Bible
Methods will be presented to make Bible come alive in the 21st century classroom. Engaging and motivating methods will be modeled. Teachers will come out ready to incorporate Bible in every aspect of their schedule. Children will look forward to and participate in Bible.
Presenter:Celeste Giles
Room: Jackson B -
613 / 614
Receive an overview of the new elementary mathematics materials for the students in grades K-6. Each group will have an opportunity to look at the new “Go Math” materials, learn about the program’s organization and resources, view technology demonstrations, and interact with several activities designed to meet the needs of your classroom.
Presenter:Room: Ryman Studio J/K / Ryman Studio H/I -
Teaching Literacy and Creativity with Electronic Bible Felts (
Nurture your students’ creativity while teaching literacy with this new online tool for biblical story telling developed with literacy expert, Dr. Tamara Randolph. Attendees will learn to create online Bible adventures and receive a free trial subscription and sample lesson plan. Bible felts go high tech at
Presenter:Rudy Scott
Room: Lincoln A -
620 / 621
Get the Big Picture about Big Ideas Math
Come for the snapshot tour of the Big Ideas Math Common Core Program for your 6-8 grade students. Big Ideas Learning will describe all the Big Ideas materials and how they will create enthusiasm, excitement and deeper understanding of mathematics for students. The album includes activities, Laurie’s Notes, cutting-edge technology and more.
Presenter:Room: Ryman N -
Successful Band Program in Elementary Schools
There’s a perception out there that elementary or middle schools can’t have excellent band programs. This presentation will inform you of the many ways a band program can be developed, creating a strong foundation of musicianship, self-esteem and team work among the students, and offering free advertising to your school.
Presenter:Claudia Trenchuck
Room: Lincoln B -
Public Funding of Private Schools: Pitfalls and Possibilities
What is the future of public funding for private education? How might this effect SDA Christian education? How can private schools best be prepared for societal developments in this area? Doctoral dissertation research results will be followed by panel discussion, with time for questions.
Presenter:Tim Erich
Room: Lincoln D -
BirdSleuth: Authentic Scientific Inquiry Using Free Online Wikispaces
Online collaborative working groups enable students to become more engaged in scientific experimentation. Middle school students in Florida and Oregon teamed up to present and review their bird research projects using a wikispace. Learn how free online technology such as the BirdSleuth program and wikispaces can benefit your students.
Presenter:Phil Kahler
Room: Lincoln C -
Middle School Math: The Critical Transition from Arithmetic to Algebra
This informative and entertaining session will explore the reasons behind the difficulty in transitioning from arithmetic to algebra. Numerous topics will be discussed (determined by the audience), and will include examples of the change in thinking that must occur for students to be successful in high school math courses.
Presenter:Thomas Clark
Room: Canal E -
A New Approach to Understanding Behaviors: The Gifts of Essence
Become aware of each student’s giftedness to understand their behavior. This is a revolutionary approach to help our students understand themselves and how we all fit in the body of Christ. Through kits, senarios, and participant involvement, learn how to identify the Seven Gifts of Essence found in Romans 12:6-8.
Presenter:Edwina Neely
Room: Bayou E -
Wisdom Through Character Building: A Book of Worships for Schools (2nd Edition)
A hands-on demonstration of a book of classroom devotionals conducive for one-room schools (grades 1-8) or one-grade classrooms. It includes a variety of response structures which makes it interactive and reaches the different learning styles. Teachers have everything they need at their fingertips to make it come alive.
Presenter:Rita Henriquez-Green
Room: Canal D -
Math: Let’s Solve the Problem!
This engaging presentation will introduce you to big ideas and small changes that will transform the way you teach math and help raise student scores. Discover simple techniques you can use in your classroom tomorrow!
Presenter:Sandra Doran
Room: Canal A -
An Elementary Spanish Language Program for Seventh-day Adventist Schools
Discover the pedagogical foundations for a Spanish Language Program in an Adventist school, developed using SDA-specific standards for the curriculum. See specific resources that will help your school begin its very own Spanish Language Program. This program is appropriate for all sizes of schools.
Presenter:Andrea Rivas
Room: Bayou A -
Tools for a Successful First Year of Teaching
This workshop is full of practical ideas to implement in your classroom. You will receive real help on organization skills; relationships with students, parents, teachers and supervisors; and classroom management.
Presenter:Yanina Jimenez
Room: Canal C -
Elementary Music: Skype and the Laundry Room Studio
Christiana Rennard, the teacher in a one-room school in Mississippi, didn’t feel confident teaching music. Carol Swinyar, an experienced music educator, lived 239 miles away. Hear how they managed a long-distance partnership to provide music education for the students. They will also share materials and discuss options available to attendees.
Presenter:Carol Swinyar
Room: Bayou D -
Team School: Bridging the Gap between Traditional Schools and Homeschooling
A Team School is a hybrid Seventh-day Adventist Small School. Students attend only two days a week and complete their work at home on the other three days. These schools are an affordable solution for churches struggling to maintain a school but desiring to provide Christian Education to their communities.
Presenter:Mindy Jerkins
Room: Canal B -
By Design: A Journey to Excellence through Science for Grades 1-8
This engaging, rigorous, and developmentally appropriate curriculum nurtures a child’s natural curiosity as they explore the wonderment of God’s creation through the lens of the Bible. The program focuses on the users’ experience so that all elements invite, engage, instruct, and motivate students and teachers to continue learning and building their science knowledge.
Presenter:Lynn Molony
Room: Bayou B -
Simulations – A Very Powerful Teaching Strategy
Simulations are powerful tools you can use in the classroom. Students will experience working collaboratively, role playing, sharing ideas, and creating exciting authentic situations. Students will learn how to develop leadership responsibilities and use information analysis. This could be an exciting addition to any classroom.
Presenter:Norma Collson
Room: Bayou C -
21st Century Learning . . . How is it different? How and what must we teach?
Much of what we do, with the exception of introducing computers in the classroom, is entrenched in the 20th Century. The presentation will explore the similarities and differences in how the student in the 21st Century learns and the specific skills we must teach to help students succeed in the world of work.
Presenter:Thambi Thomas
Room: Governor's A -
How to have a Relationship with God
“It’s all about having a relationship with God!” But how do we do that? How do we lead others to have this? What pieces come easily and what comes hard? What role can educators play in this crucial integration? This could be the most important seminar for you and your students.
Presenter:Steve Case
Room: Cheekwood B -
Celebrating a Mathematical Holiday
Around the world, March 14 is recognized as pi day. This presentation will introduce participants to activities they can use in their classrooms to make the most of this special day and to liven up mathematics in general. Appropriate for grades 5 and up.
Presenter:Michelle Weikum
Room: Cheekwood D -
Emotional Intelligence: A Key for Success in the Classroom
The teacher’s level of Emotional Quotient (EQ) is by far the single most important variable in creating a classroom where Emotional Intelligence (EI) can be developed healthily. And the single most important variable in the teacher’s EQ is how they handle their own emotions, especially their negative emotions. This presentation will provide a useful guide on how to use positive EI to create successful classrooms.
Presenter:Freddy Fuentes
Room: Hermitage C -
Publishing Student Art and Writing as Portfolio Books
Learn how to create portfolio books using design software and publishing sites.
Presenter:Danelle Taylor Johnston
Room: Belmont B -
Starting and Running a Conference-wide Bible Leadership Camp
Collaborate with local entities to develop a vision and assemble a planning committee to set up and operate successful middle and high school Bible conferences and/or weekend retreats. Learn the finer points of planning, budgeting, programming, promotions and most importantly, the flexible implementation of your plans.
Presenter:Steven Zeller
Room: Belmont C -
Games That Keep Students Going
Every high school teacher is looking for games and activities that they can use before, during, and after P.E. classes. Look no further! They’re here for you to discover.
Presenter:Robert Hicks
Room: Cheekwood F -
Teaching Drama: The Right Stuff and How to Use It
Most drama classes have become practices for chapel skits, but there’s so much more! With curriculum materials that blend creative development and spiritual growth, teachers in accredited Christian schools can build communication skills, awareness, confidence, and creativity in unique and powerful ways.
Presenter:Travis Tyre
Room: Cheekwood H -
A Six Trait Rubric to Improve Student Writing Across the Grades
This interactive workshop will demonstrate the benefits of using an analytic rubric to assess and monitor progress and use new online technology to improve student outcomes. Discussion will focus on “best practices” in teaching writing, such as daily writer’s workshop and/or focused work on writing across the curriculum.
Presenter:Pamela Appleton
Room: Hermitage E -
Scaffolding Critical Thinking Using Inductive Lessons in Science
This session presents four examples of inductive teaching strategies. These lessons use concrete or pictorial materials to scaffold the analytical process as students explore science concepts. Each lesson offers the opportunity for meta-cognitive questions so students can examine their own thinking processes, and ideas for extension into subsequent lessons.
Presenter:Barbara Reid
Room: Hermitage D -
Using Articles, Theme Sets, and Mentor Texts as Springboards
Join fellow English teachers as we get “hands-on” with a currrent article of the week, deconstruct a mentor text, and brainstorm literature connections for several theme sets. We’ll also discuss practical concerns, such as how to find articles, organize theme sets, and integrate vocabulary.
Presenter:Cheri Gregory
Room: Cheekwood G -
Teaching Grammar in the Context of Writing
This is a workshop where the audience gets to practice ways to improve writing by adding phrases/clauses to papers to improve sentence structure and complexity.
Presenter:Tami Perez
Room: Belle Meade C -
Servant Leadership: It’s about Serving, not Popularity
As Christians we are all called to be like Jesus; to do whatever we are doing as if Jesus were the one doing it. A servant leadership curriculum should teach students to lead as Jesus led. This learning puts into action the principles of loving yourself, loving each other and loving God.
Presenter:Stephanie Johnson
Room: Belle Meade A -
SHOPTALK: Boarding Academy Principals
Presenter:Room: Cheekwood C -
SHOPTALK: Secondary Mathematics
Presenter:Room: Cheekwood A -
SHOPTALK: Academy Registrars
Presenter:Room: Magnolia Boardroom A -
Recapturing the Purpose of Boarding Academy Churches
Ministering in a boarding school academy church is unique. You experience challenges and opportunities like no other church. This breakout offers practical ideas to deal with those challenges and take advantage of the incredible opportunities that exist for youth ministry. Time will be alotted for discussion, brainstorming, and prayer.
Presenter:Mickey Mallory
Room: Ryman B -
Can I Just Teach????
Learn classroom management and discipline strategies effective in facilitating optimal teaching and learning.
Presenter:Brian Watts
Room: Ryman C -
How to Enhance Vocal Projection Using Creativity and Tools
Teachers are constantly using their voice. Educators can lose the ability to speak, have a hoarse voice or chronic sore throat and may need ideas on how to communicate, teach and instruct with almost no voice. In order to vocally project in a classroom, it takes creativity and tools to be effective.
Presenter:Charity Espina
Room: Ryman Studio C -
Great Ways to Bring the Bible into Every Subject
Want all your subjects to come alive? Come and learn some exciting strategies to train your students to see God in every subject. Increase your students’ spiritual and intellectual intelligence so like Daniel and his friends they will be ten times better in all matters of wisdom and understanding!
Presenter:Lori Watkins
Room: Governor's B -
Understanding Birth Order and the Effects on Classroom Behavior
How does the order we arrive in a family influence our behavior, personality and decisions? What part does it play in how our students and children learn? After this seminar participants will understand why one class management method does not work for all students and what might work best.
Presenter:Judy Shull
Room: Ryman A -
Schools in Discipleship
Participate in a readiness activity, followed by “”Team Time”” activities to assist the teachers, pastors and parents in practicing and applying discipleship principles. Learn how to model discipleship principles.
Presenter:Don MacLafferty
Room: Ryman Studio O -
Mindful Teaching for Brain Compatibility
Unravel the mystery of subject matter organization so students can learn it more efficiently and effectively. Students who practice being more thoughtful about their schoolwork become more efficient learners and increase their capacity to learn additional material. This technique guides students through a specific way the brain frames new material as it learns.
Presenter:Gene Brewer, Deb Fetch
Room: Lincoln E -
Join the New CIRCLE: Give One. Get Many.
Bring one great lesson or teaching idea to this resource potluck. Interact in small groups by area of specialization. Learn how to earn money for your classroom-tested materials. Leave inspired by the network of many Adventist education resources (like new parent newsletters) freely available through
Presenter:Glynis Bradfield
Room: Ryman Studio Q -
Every Teacher a Nature Teacher
This is a hands-on workshop that will provide strategies, methods, resources, activities and tools for using nature as the classroom. Teach by doing. It will help the teacher connect students to their creator through the study of nature. This is natural science at its best.
Presenter:Robert Egbert
Room: Ryman Studio R -
Teaching Children the Gospel with the 5Cs of Christianity
Interactive presentation showing how to learn the gospel and present it to someone else in less than a minute. This is then expanded to Scripture memory, fun ways to actively remember, and expand to the 5Ss of Adventist faith.
Presenter:Jerrell Gilkeson
Room: Ryman Studio M -
Empowering Students to Create an Inclusive School
Students with special needs can be effectively served when they, along with peers, are empowered to find natural solutions to academic, social and spiritual challenges. Student presenters will show and tell how it is done. School principals are especially encouraged to attend.
Presenter:Kim Kaiser
Room: Hermitage A -
Smartphones in My Classroom, Works For Me
Handheld Personal Learning Devices (PLD) have invaded our classrooms. Bring your smart phone as we explore how to ignite curiosity, creativity and 21st century learning. This is a beginning session for secondary teachers in all disciplines. The focus will be how to plan, manage, and evaluate projects using these devices.
Presenter:Warren Dale
Room: Governor's Chamber A -
What We Can Learn from Video Games: Classroom Application
We need to understand how game players develop effective social practices and skills in navigating complex systems, and how those skills can support learning in other complex domains. The motivation to persevere is the brain seeking another surge of dopamine—the fuel of intrinsic reinforcement.
Presenter:Michael England
Room: Presidential Chamber A -
The T.I.E. Project – 20 Years of Technology Education Success
Since 1990, high academic achieving students, parents, medical, dentistry,and engineering school deans have acclaimed Loma Linda Academy’s unique four year Technology Integrated Education (T.I.E.) program.
Presenter:Jay Linthicum
Room: Governor's Chamber C -
Instructor-Student Communication for Online Courses
In this session we will explore instructor/student communication in the introduction, discussion and weekly sessions of online courses. Each section of the online course has specific goals and objectives. We will look at each area and discuss how to write student-friendly communication sections for a course.
Presenter:DeAnne Knipschild
Room: Governor's Chamber D -
How to Use Twitter as Your Personal Learning Network
Have you joined Twitter yet? Twitter is an excellent way to start building your Personal Learning Network (PLN). In this workshop we will cover the basics of using Twitter as a component of your PLN, and share some resources and tips for using it to maximize learning and communication.
Presenter:Ray Leftridge
Room: Governor's Chamber E -
RenWeb’s NAD Data Roll Up Reporting
RenWeb partner schools will receive orientation to reporting expectations and training for configuration/submission of data to the North American Division.
Presenter:Bob Wilbers
Room: Ryman Studio A -
RenWeb Open Forum
This session is an open forum for RenWeb partner schools to explore topics of common interest, and provide valuable feedback to RenWeb’s management team.
Presenter:Mark Wile
Room: Ryman Studio B -
SSM Q and A
This session will all participants to meet some of the SSM Team, learn what resources are available for SSM users, and it will allow you to have time to ask questions. Following the presentation there will be time for participants to receive individual help.
Presenter:Stacy Gusky
Room: Ryman D -
Campus Safety and Facility Risk Control
The NAD has schools are on both ends of the safety spectrum. Some are great, while others are failing. Where does your school stand? In this presentation we will address key issues observed during facilities surveys and inspections, and learn ways to address observed safety concerns.
Presenter:John Dougan
Room: Ryman F -
AVLN Participants Reunion!
Have you participated in an AVLN class in the last few years? Come to the AVLN reunion! Share stories, hear updates, and meet your online colleagues!
Presenter:Janine Lim
Room: Tennessee B -
Teaching Bible: What We’re Afraid of Because We Don’t Know
Our schools have been raised for the study of the Bible, but we are afraid because we don’t know how to study for ourselves. Empower yourself with methods to study deeper. Then, train your students with the same skills.
Presenter:Matthew White
Room: Presidential E -
Service Learning: Connecting Content to Community
Learn the nuts and bolts for implementing service-learning. Participants learn how to answer the “”Why do we need to learn this?”” questions that students ask by creating a service learning unit for the coming school year. Bring your hand-held devices with you to this session!
Presenter:Shelley Bacon
Room: Tennessee A -
Using Constructive Feedback and Questioning Strategies to Increase Student Learning
Constructive feedback and questioning strategies have substantial positive impacts on student learning and motivation. This workshop will provide an overview of formative assessment concepts and strategies of the audience’s choice. These strategies include ready-to-implement assessments as well as an overview of available technologies to aid in assessment.
Presenter:Jonathan Engelman
Room: Presidential D -
Back to the Future…Marketing Our Mission, Fulfilling Our Vision
What is the mission and vision of Adventist Education? How should we market Adventist schools? Who is responsible for marketing your school? How do we make Adventist education affordable? What is your school’s image? How do we make Adventist constituents loyal customers? Answer these questions and receive essential marketing ideas.
Presenter:Don Tucker
Room: Tennessee D -
Programs That Pop!
Is it up to you to pull your school concert or fundraising event together? Here are a bundle of concert-tested strategies for making your presentation a powerful message to your parents and constituents about the value of your educational product.
Presenter:Michael Spencer
Room: Tennessee E -
Sour Skittles and the Battle of Bitter
At some point in our career, every teacher will face feelings of being unappreciated, mistreated or misunderstood. This workshop provides a prescription and “”an ounce of prevention”” to thwart Satan’s subtle plans to damage our influence and rob our joy through bitterness.
Presenter:DeeAnn Bragaw
Room: Tennessee C -
Called to Teach
Drawing upon his book, Called to Teach, Dr. Hamilton discusses the principles of teaching a compelling and effective Bible class, focusing on engaging head, heart, and hand in spiritual growth and service to God and neighbor.
Presenter:Ted Hamilton
Room: Washington B -
When Acting “Christian” Isn’t Enough: Giving Meaning to Character Education
Would you like an effective tool with supporting strategies for helping your students reflect Christ’s character more fully? Would you like to promote a more positive classroom climate? The Virtues Project™ can be used throughout the curriculum and has helped many teachers bring about positive changes for all age groups.
Presenter:Nancy Melashenko
Room: Magnolia Ballroom -
Preparing for Retirement
Learn the prerequisites for an enjoyable retirement and how to accomplish them. Understand what you need to know about Social Security and Medicare. Bring your retirement questions. A handout will be provided.
Presenter:G Edward Reid
Room: Presidential C -
Introduction of Gardein Products
Hear about the Gardein company and their products. Learn how to order these products, as well as use them in recipes for colleges and academies.
Presenter:Thaddeus Thorne
Room: Cheekwood E -
“Gaposis”-Managing Uninsured Risks at Your School
Insurance coverage is necessary, however there are uninsurable factors that must be accounted for. These issues can cost big bucks. What can administrators do to plan for the “”gaps”” in insurance coverage?
Presenter:Tim Northrop
Room: Ryman Studio L -
Practical Ways to Grow a Small School
This presentation shows teachers/principals of small schools—those with fewer than 100 students—how to grow their school. These are easy, practical methods to increase your school’s enrollment in a short time. The presentation also covers increasing the quality of the students recruited instead of just the quantity.
Presenter:Chris Juhl
Room: Delta Island A -
Leading from the Heart
The world values money, power, and status; God values humility, compassion, and transparency. Many leaders’ behavior demonstrates that their values are the world’s. Leading from the heart is not a demonstration of power and expertise, but a state of sincere and continuous openness to God, and a settled commitment to do His will.
Presenter:L. Roo McKenzie
Room: Ryman E -
Safety Programs For Your School
Safety and loss control plans help you have a safer environment. This presentation will show you how to create more compliant safety and emergency action plans for your school including fire, disaster, lock down plans and preparedness.
Presenter:David Lara
Room: Delta Island B -
Putting the “Fun” in Fundraising
What keeps fundraising a dynamic and inspiring profession? This session will explore the human, relational side of fundraising, including vignettes of successes, humorous times, examples from today’s media, perceptions of fundraisers, and who we are as professionals who enjoy what we do to support the serious side of life.
Presenter:Lilya Wagner
Room: Presidential A -
Board Governance and Responsibilities of Trustees
What are the duties and responsibilities of school board members and how do they execute those duties in the best interests of the school? What lessons can be learned about making our school boards function effectively and efficiently? Hear about the good, the bad and the ugly.
Presenter:Karnik Doukmetzian
Room: Presidential B -
Why Principals Stay
The findings of the lived experiences of the principals in the study “”Narratives of Longevity from the Perspective of Seventh-day Adventist School Administrators”” will be shared and discussed in this informative and interactive session.
Presenter:Janet Ledesma
Room: Delta Island C -
Financing the 21st Century Christian School
A comprehensive look at how to finance Christian schools in times of economic uncertainty. The session considers 12 key strategies essential for schools to survive and thrive. The session incorporates insights on proper metrics from cost and financial accounting, with the goal that all key leaders agree that wise financial decisions are being made.
Presenter:Dan Krause
Room: Presidential Chamber B -
Humorous and Inspiring Sketches about Teaching, Classrooms and Students
Join this humorous, fun and interactive session and learn the transforming power of improvisation in teaching. Through dynamic exercises and group reflection you will discover how effective teachers embrace improv skills. Learning take-aways include: • Enhanced Creative Thinking • Improved Listening and Observation • Team Development Join the fun! Woo Hoo
Presenter:Karen Tilstra
Room: Governor's C