American Red Cross Blood Drive

Tuesday, August 7th, 10am–4pm. In the Ryman By Auditorium.

Click here to create an account and schedule an appointment to donate. If you experience trouble with the link, please visit and enter the sponsor code K12Convention (with no dashes or spaces).

Each day the Tennessee Valley Region of the American Red Cross has to collect 600 units of blood in order to keep up with patient demand.

Right now we’re in the midst of an Emergency appeal for blood donors due to the nation’s current inventory levels.All donors who are willing and eligible to support a blood drive are being asked to participate in a blood drive like the one we’ll be having at our convention.

All presenting donors will receive a coupon for a free haircut at SportsClips Salons and a USB hub

If you have questions about donor eligibility please call 1800RedCross or visit

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