Breakout Session Handouts
Be sure to check the breakouts you’ve chosen for available downloads.
One thing you won’t find on the schedule is breakfast, the most important meal of the day. This was simply an oversight. Breakfast is served each day 6:00 – 7:45 a.m.
Motorized Wheelchairs and Scooters
Motorized Wheelchairs and Scooters are available from the hotel at your expense; the cost is $20.00/day. Please call Music City Mobility at 615.458.2615
Prayer Time
Each morning there will be a special prayer service in front of the main stage in the Ryman Ballroom beginning at 6:15. We will be sure that it concludes so you can get breakfast. There will also be a special prayer room that will be staffed by prayer partners from 8 am until 6 pm every day. If you would like to spend a few moments praying together with someone, please join us in room – Washington A on the Presidential mezzanine. There will be an international group who have volunteered to have 24-hour prayer for our convention, it’s teachers and administrators. So from 5 pm Sunday night straight though until 1 pm on Wednesday we will have someone praying for you every single minute!
Academic Credit
We are hoping to have available academic credit from several Adventist Universities. We are still working on the particulars, but please know that there will be additional activities required in order to get the credit.
Exercise Drive
We attempted to have a 5K run or other major health event at the convention, but logistics of 6,000 people, the weather and location all worked against us. Yet, we feel it is important that we have some physical outlet each day. So, NAD Health ministries, under the direction of Katia Reinert, will be providing exercise from 6:30-7:15 every morning in the Ryman C1 hall. This is across the hall from the dining area and behind the exhibit hall.
American Red Cross Blood Drive
Tuesday, August 7th, 10am–4pm. In the Ryman By Auditorium.
Click here to create an account and schedule an appointment to donate. If you experience trouble with the link, please visit and enter the sponsor code K12Convention (with no dashes or spaces).
Each day the Tennessee Valley Region of the American Red Cross has to collect 600 units of blood in order to keep up with patient demand.
All presenting donors will receive a coupon for a free haircut at SportsClips Salons and a USB hub
If you have questions about donor eligibility please call 1800RedCross or visit