Breakout Session: 400

  • 401

    Let’s Be Active, Right from the Start!

    Dr. Don Morgan will open the session by outlining the importance of providing physical activity and movement experiences for infants, toddlers and preschoolers. Dr. Debbie Morgan will then present an exciting array of activities that develop fundamental movement skills and enhance physical fitness levels of very young children. (Come Participate!)


    Debbie Morgan

    Room: Presidential Boardroom B
  • 402

    Ready, Set, Go! Strategies for Pre-K Readiness, Literacy, and Math

    Focusing on a child’s need to play, this interactive session provides engaging strategies for children with diverse learning styles. The session uses familiar classroom materials to foster crucial skills in readiness, literacy, and math. Learn activities to develop pencil grip, letter/number recognition, name-writing, vocabulary, phonological awareness, counting, shapes, and patterns.


    Diane Eldridge

    Room: Magnolia Boardroom B
  • 403

    ReadyK—Preparing Kindergarten Students to Explore the World of Knowledge

    ReadyK is an innovative program developed by special area teachers at Moore Elementary to advance brain stimulation and brain development by integrating cross-curricular areas of art, guidance, library, music and physical education. Experiences and activities of readyK prepare brains and bodies of young children for success in the classroom.


    Kathy Clark

    Room: Belmont A
  • 404

    ECEC 4MAT Training

    This seminar will assist teachers of young children to understand and use the 4MAT Natural Cycle, honor diverse learning preferences, design instruction that is developmentally appropriate, and to integrate curriculum for a learning experience that promotes growth in all educational and developmental domains.


    Gene Brewer

    Room: Belle Meade B
  • 405

    Real Science in the Preschool Classroom

    During this workshop, participants will learn the six components of the preschool scientific method. They will be introduced to how to use interaction strategies to support children’s science learning and to identify and support the parts of the preschool scientific method as they occur in each area of the classroom. Participants will also learn to plan small-group times with science learning in mind.


    Ursula Ansbach

    Room: Presidential Boardroom A
  • 406


    THAT’S LIFE! is a money-management/classroom- management curriculum which teaches partnering with God through tithing and giving of offerings, personal financial responsibility, money must be earned, behavior and attitude affect our ability to earn money, auditing of financial records, and checkbook handling.


    Mary Ann Walden

    Room: Jackson A
  • 407

    Literacy Intervention: A Multisensory Curriculum for Your Classroom

    This seminar focuses on identifying and defining the significant characteristics of dyslexia in each stage of language development. Discover how a multisensory curriculum can treat dyslexia and learn about resources to guide parents who have questions about this ever-increasing challenge.


    Carisa Carr

    Room: Jackson B
  • 408

    Reading Like Writers; Writing for Readers

    This is your invitation to see how primary grade students use reading purposefully as they stand on the shoulders of published authors. See the process and the product of a shared reading/writing experience. Ideas will be given for creating shared reading and writing products based on Pathways themes.


    Krystal Bishop

    Room: Jackson D
  • 409

    Kindergarten Stepping Stones Language Arts

    The Language Arts curriculum in Kindergarten Stepping Stones is based on routines that include the following components and activities: Phonemic Awareness, Sound-Letter Awareness, Reading Workshop, Signing-In, Writing Workshop, Fine Motor Skills, Listening/Speaking. See how these routines work together to help children enjoy literature and become lifelong readers and writers.


    Kay Sutherland, Jody Seigal

    Room: Jackson E
  • 409

    “Let’s Get Physical!” – with Math on the Floor

    This highly interactive session will introduce teachers to the many creative ways of using a large 100-square floor grid to demonstrate many mathematical concepts in all strands. Teachers will see how common core standards can be easily addressed through this kinesthetic approach to learning. Come with a camera prepared to play!


    Wendy Hill

    Room: Lincoln E
  • 410

    Using Technology to Enhance Your Language Arts Classroom

    Want to engage your students and get them excited about learning their spelling and vocabulary words? Learn how Vocabulary SpellingCity can be a fun and flexible resource for students. We feature over 25 learning activities, many of them for free, that will engage your students in the classroom and at home.


    Robert Laundrie

    Room: Jackson C
  • 412

    How to Implement Kindergarten Stepping Stones

    Lead teachers and kindergarten Steering Committe members who taught using Kindergarten stepping Stones thematic unites this past schoolyear will share their experiences and give advice on how to implement this new curriculum


    Robert Robinson, Denise Curnutt, Julie Kamieneski, Connie Rothgeb, Lead Teachers

    Room: Jackson F
  • 413 & 414


    Receive an overview of the new elementary mathematics materials for the students in grades K-6. Each group will have an opportunity to look at the new “Go Math” materials, learn about the program’s organization and resources, view technology demonstrations, and interact with several activities designed to meet the needs of your classroom.



    Room: Ryman Studio J/K & Ryman Studio H/I
  • 418

    Number Talks: Students Building Mental Math and Computation through Discourse

    Number Talks are powerful 10 to 15 minute classroom conversations around purposeful, contextual computation problems solved mentally. Designed to elicit specific strategies that focus on number relationships, number sense, and operational sense, students share and defend their solutions and strategies, collectively reasoning about numbers while building conceptual ideas and connections.


    Deb Fetch

    Room: Hermitage E
  • 420 & 421

    Get the Big Picture about Big Ideas Math

    Come for the snapshot tour of the Big Ideas Math Common Core Program fro you 6-8 grade students. Big Ideas Learning will describe all the Big Ideas materials and how they will create enthusiasm, excitement and deeper understanding of mathematics for students. The album includes activities, Laure’s Notes, cutting-edge technology and more.



    Room: Ryman Studio D/E & Ryman Studio F/G
  • 422

    BirdSleuth: Investigating Evidence

    Need help with student inquiry? Cornell Lab of Ornithology created this free online BirdSleuth module to help! The module includes lesson plans, journal pages, and online resources that will help your students ask scientific questions, craft and test hypotheses, collect and organize data, draw meaningful conclusions, and publish their work.


    Phil Kahler

    Room: Lincoln C
  • 423

    I Read It, But I Don’t Get It!

    Do you have students that can read, but have no idea what they are reading? This presentation will give you all the important points for providing effective whole-class strategy instruction in reading for balanced literacy as well as in the content areas.


    Sandra Doran

    Room: Lincoln A
  • 424

    Creating Your Own Television Program

    One way to expand our unique Seventh-day Adventist message is through the use of television. Join us as you learn how even elementary students can begin developing the skills used by this media as they create their own weekly television program that will be aired locally.


    Judy Shull

    Room: Lincoln B
  • 425

    We’ve Got The Beat: How Rhythm Improves Critical Thinking

    In this workshop, poet-songwriter-educator Mike Mennard shows how metered poetry, jump-rope rhymes, and rhythmic activities have a measurable affect on thinking. By encouraging metered poetry, jump-rope rhymes, rhythm exercises, and music, a teacher may discover increased attention skills and thinking skills. Teachers will leave with activities ready for the classroom.


    Mike Mennard

    Room: Lincoln D
  • 427

    C.P.R. (Christ’s Power Resurrects!)

    We are living during a time of spiritual slumber. Young people are being deceived by the enemy’s arsenal of distractions. Educators are on the front life of a battlefield and are in desperate need of C.P.R. training. See how you can make a difference in the lives of our students for God’s honor and glory.


    David Pasos

    Room: Canal B
  • 428

    The Bully-Free Classroom

    Kick off your school year with this six week jump start bully-free program. Your students will learn strategies for handling a bully, how to be a supportive by-stander, and all this in the Christian frame work of the BYKOTA theme (you have to come to learn what BYKOTA means!).


    Wendy Baldwin

    Room: Bayou E
  • 429

    Tips for Getting Started with iPods in the Elementary Classroom

    In this beginners session a second grade teacher will share how she implemented one-to-one iPods in her classroom. You will learn how to configure iOS devices. There will be lots of tips for daily lessons. You will receive suggested App lists and class management websites. BYOD (Bring Your Own Device).


    Judy Nunez

    Room: Canal D
  • 430

    Making PE Heart-Healthy and Fun for Everyone!

    This presentation will look at a variety of topics such as: getting all the kids active; basic and inexpensive equipment to add to your PE inventory; many game ideas for a variety of ages that the kids will love to play (and not even realize they are getting in shape!).


    Leif Andersen

    Room: Canal E
  • 431

    Writing Workshop Mini-Lessons—the Easy Way to Teach Writing!

    This interactive presentation will give a preview of the Writing Toolkit, a collection of ready-to-use mini-lessons to help teachers provide instruction in Writing Workshop. This tool is part of the Pathways Language Arts curriculum. Whether or not you use Pathways, this presentation will give you a practical resource for writing class.


    Jerrell Gilkeson

    Room: Bayou A
  • 432

    Creating an Edible Schoolyard

    An interactive workshop for teachers and administrators which will allow participants to conceptualize their schoolyard garden. Gardens may be in containers, large natural habitats, or conventional garden beds—they all serve the same basic purpose as a living laboratory for student experimentation and observation.


    Brad Jones

    Room: Canal A
  • 433

    Using Questions to Motivate: The Inquiry Method

    The Inquiry Method, mostly used in science, starts with a question. This method uses a student’s curiosity to learn by actively exploring. This session explains and demonstrates this method used in the new By Design science program, along with applications to other subjects: language arts, Bible, social studies.


    Jean Buller

    Room: Bayou D
  • 434

    By Design: A Journey to Excellence through Science for Grades 1-8

    This engaging, rigorous, and developmentally appropriate curriculum nutures a child’s natural curiousity as they explore the wonderment of God’s creation through the lens of the Bible. The program focuses on the users’ experience so that all elements invite, engage, instruct, and motivate students and teachers to continue learning and buildling their science knowledge.


    Lynn Molony, Kendall Hunt, Dan Wyrick, Lee Davidson, Jean Buller, and By Design Lead Teacher

    Room: Bayou B
  • 435

    Sparking Elementary Science Using Discrepant Events

    Some students have a natural love of scientific investigation and inquiry, while others need a little inspiration. The short experiments shared in this presentation motivate students to want to know more about how and why things work when at first they don’t seem to make sense.


    Debbie Muthersbaugh

    Room: Bayou C
  • 436

    Teaching With Love and Logic

    Take the stress out of dealing with difficult students by offering choices and giving students opportunities to solve their own problems. Learn how to handle difficult parent-teacher conferences and ways to get kids motivated!


    Stephanie Gates

    Room: Canal C
  • 438

    A Context for Content: The Value of Integrating Literature and History

    Hear an overview of integrating content areas in the classroom, with an emphasis on approaches to integrating literature and history. We’ll go over why, and more importantly how, content area integration can meet the diverse learning needs of today’s students


    Steve Baughman

    Room: Cheekwood A
  • 439

    Languages—Tools for Faith Sharing

    This presentation will elucidate how Scriptural knowledge serves as a means of broadening, deepening, and enhancing language and cultural understanding. It will be demonstrated how languages are a means to taking the gospel to the world, whether in a denominational or non-denominational educational institution.


    Adrienne Royo

    Room: Hermitage C
  • 440

    The Bible, Anthropology, and the Ancient Caveman

    God created man in His image, yet there are bones that show evidence of manlike beasts. There is a plausible explanation for caveman! There is a connection between the Antediluvian scientists and the scientists of today. This presentation shows that evolution is a hoax and that Christ is coming soon!


    Audra Wells Mark

    Room: Hermitage D
  • 441

    A Fresh Look at the Book of Revelation

    Controversial, confusing, scary, important, entrenched, divisive—what comes to mind when you think of the book of Revelation? Adventist scholars have developed a fresh approach to studying the book of Revelation. Find out what it is and how it works. You’ll be absolutely overwhelmed with how magnificent Jesus is.


    Steve Case

    Room: Cheekwood C
  • 442

    Alternative High School PE Options: Mountain Biking and Olympic Games

    Discuss the value of teaching mountain biking as a lifetime activity. Topics cover fundraising and equipment considerations, unit design and ideas, trail design and maintenance, and safety concerns. The second half will cover a cross-curricular Winter Olympics unit and open discussion on developing a similar Summer Olympics unit.


    Matthew Lee

    Room: Cheekwood B
  • 443

    Three Reasons Why Your Mathematics Students Should Do WebWork

    Would you like to assign more effective homework? WeBWorK delivers individualized assignments with instantaneous feedback. Spending too much time grading? WeBWorK scores assignments automatically. Are commercial homework systems just too expensive? Come learn why hundreds of schools are using this free, easy-to-use, online homework system and how yours can too.


    Jonathan Duncan

    Room: Belmont C
  • 444

    Working with Wikipedia

    Use a high-stakes writing task and our “favorite” Internet source to increase student engagement in your classroom. Writing Wikipedia articles connects students with a real audience and demands attention to rhetorical principles. Learn how to guide students through this task and take away new ways to integrate writing and technology in your classroom.


    Jennifer Sigler

    Room: Cheekwood F
  • 445

    Releasing the Power of the Armed Small School Principal

    Experience a platform from which a small school principal can be successful in a rural, urban, small or large school setting. Balance a sound spiritual atmosphere with the caliber of dynamic academic and community programs that support solid and growing enrollment while making the principalship indispensable!


    Ruth Horton

    Room: Belmont B
  • 447

    Preventing “Death by Powerpoint:” Help Student Presentations Come Fully Alive

    We’ll start by investigating the Top Ten Design Crimes students commit (often by copying what the grown-ups do!) when making ugly PowerPoint “slide-u-ments.” Then, we’ll explore the Top Ten Design Tips for Powerful Presentations and discuss all aspects of preparation (especially practice, practice, and more practice!)


    Cheri Gregory

    Room: Cheekwood H
  • 448

    Evangelism Curriculum for Academy Students

    Sunnydale Academy has added a school of evangelism to its curriculum. Now is the time to train an army of youth. Come hear some of the practical ways students have been involved in evangelism and outreach.


    Scott Haakenson

    Room: Cheekwood G
  • 449

    Teen Dating Violence: A Reality Check

    Teen dating violence is on the rise. This pattern of controlling and abusive behavior is affecting about 33% of high school students. How can a teen determine if they are in an unhealthy relationship? Come and learn how to assess and help reduce the violence.


    Ana E Perez

    Room: Magnolia Ballroom
  • 450

    SHOPTALK: Secondary Social Studies


    Room: Belle Meade A
  • 451

    SHOPTALK: Secondary Fine Arts


    Room: Belle Meade C
  • 452

    SHOPTALK: Academy Business Mgrs


    Room: Magnolia Boardroom A
  • 454

    Safety Issues in K-12 Science Classrooms

    This presentation presents key safety issues for science teachers in K-12 classrooms and how to solve them. Sources for safety information will also be presented.


    Barbara Reid

    Room: Ryman C
  • 455

    Let’s Go with Glogs!

    Looking to raise your student’s critical thinking and creativity levels? Glogs may be your answer! In this session learn how students and teachers can create and use these multimedia posters for all subject areas and grade levels. Creating a Glog is easy and free!


    Elaine Plemons

    Room: Ryman Studio C
  • 456

    Intramurals: Get Every Student Playing!

    See how to get more students involved and participating in recreation through a variety of fun Intramural sports and activities.


    Michael Boyd

    Room: Ryman Studio M
  • 457

    Creative Activities for Bible Teaching

    Have you ever defaulted to stories and worksheets, or lecture and written homework? This session offers K-12 Bible teachers easy-to-implement ideas to broaden their approaches for engaging students in effective learning and connecting personally with God.


    Ginger Ketting-Weller

    Room: Ryman Studio N
  • 458

    Creating Interactive Student Notebooks

    Do your students hate taking notes? Are their notebooks messy, unintelligible pages of poorly understood ideas? Change all of that with Interactive Student Notebooks, a strategy that incorporates principles of differentiation, learning styles, multiple intelligences, and brain-based activities to enhance the understanding and application of learning for all students.


    Keith Leavitt

    Room: Ryman Studio O
  • 459

    Lead Management in Schools

    This presentation will contrast lead management and boss management. Lead management leads to non-coercive, collaborative problem solving in mutually satisfying relationships. Time will be provided for Q and A.


    Kelly Bock

    Room: Ryman Studio P
  • 460

    Heart-Brain Connections and Resilience in the Classroom

    This session reports on recent research in the area of social and emotional intelligence. Specifically, heart-brain connections and neurochemical transfer among people are considered. Implications include: teacher expectations and student success, effects of bullying and other high-stress events, test apprehension, and resilience in the classroom.


    Linda Caviness

    Room: Ryman F
  • 461

    To the Seafloor in a Cardboard Box! Teaching through Simulations

    Simulations are powerful teaching devices that can activate all learning domains and integrate content areas through very active learning. As a model, I will share a simulation my academy science students and I developed—building deep submergence vehicles to study hydrothermal vents and marine archaeology. Get handouts and make models!


    Tom Lee

    Room: Ryman A
  • 462

    Using Questions to Close the Biblical Integration Gap

    Resolved to intentionally integrate a biblical perspective in your teaching, but not sure how? Wondering how to more effectively use questions to help students connect what they study and what the Bible teaches? Leave this workshop with a lesson you draft and a raft of practical tools available through


    Glynis Bradfield

    Room: Ryman Studio Q
  • 463

    Bullying In School, The Myths and the Facts

    Take the first step in reducing the threat of bullying on campus by learning what is myth and what is fact. The public believes many things about bullying, some from experience and more from the media. Come learn how 35 years of research data from Dan Olweus and others can dispel the myths which enable bullying to remain a problem for schools.


    Richard Pershing

    Room: Belle Meade D
  • 464

    Shop Talk for Working with Special Needs or Struggling Students

    Join us if you would like help in making accommodations or modifications to your program in order to help your special needs or struggling students become more successful in the classroom. If you are a special educator or work with students with learning problems, please join us for the discussion.


    Lori Aguilera

    Room: Hermitage A
  • 465

    Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing

    The Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing (CTOPP) assesses phonological awareness, phonological memory, and rapid naming. A deficit in one or more of these areas is viewed as one of the most common causes of learning disabilities in general and of reading disabilities in particular. Come learn more about this important test!


    Loida Doukmetzian

    Room: Hermitage B
  • 466

    Building a Learning Community

    Public school education in America has changed significantly since 1984, but the wheels in Adventist education turn very slowly. This presentation will focus on what one charter school is doing to build a “Learning Community.” There will be time to brainstorm ideas that may help Adventist K-12 schools do the same.


    Thambi Thomas

    Room: Delta Island D
  • 467

    Google Tools for Teaching and Learning

    You’re probably already using Google as a search tool. But did you know it offers far more than that for your classroom? In this session we’ll explore iGoogle, Google Docs, Google Maps, Google Calendar, Blogger, and other cool Google tools—we’ll also discuss setting up and managing student logins and accounts.


    Tammy Worchester

    Room: Governor's North
  • 468

    iPad Apps for STEM

    Hundreds of iPad apps exist for STEM curriculum (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). A variety of apps will be explored such as reference apps, apps that include experiments, and apps that promote productivity as well as apps to intrigue the younger student to become engaged in STEM courses.


    Patsy Lanclos

    Room: Governor's South
  • 469

    Organizing Your Online Course to Provide Structure and Routine

    Structure is critical for student success and completion in online courses. This session examines ways to create a familiar structure and course routine by using a consistent template for each module.


    Janine Lim

    Room: Governor's Chamber B
  • 470

    iBeam Me Up!

    “Communicators” in your students’ pockets? In this session you will learn how to use videoconferencing to enable your students to collaborate on projects with other students. Let’s bring Adventist classrooms around the world together to learn! Take away sample lessons and links to collaboration sites. BYOD


    Warren Dale

    Room: Governor's Chamber A
  • 471

    Using Technology to Differentiate Instruction and Promote Teacher Collaboration

    Technology is changing the way people learn and is a powerful tool for accessing and sharing innovative instructional ideas. This session introduces a web-based system that offers a simple 4-step model for lesson design, along with tools for collaborating and sharing high impact instruction with SDA teachers throughout the country.


    Michael McCarthy

    Room: Governor's Chamber E
  • 472

    Extending Spatial Thinking with Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

    Spatial thinking underpins activities that range across the fabric of our lives; whether using MapQuest to find routes for driving or in science where statisticians use the visualization powers of data. This presentation discusses how teachers can integrate GIS into the curriculum as a foundation for spatial thinking.


    Seth Wiafe

    Room: Governor's Chamber C
  • 473

    Obtaining and Using a Student Response System

    Want to get instant feedback from your students after a lesson, quiz, test, or review? This presentation will demonstrate how to use the student response system to achieve this and how to quickly and easily create a quiz or review using the test generator. Grant information will also be provided.


    Walter Lancaster, Steve McClain, Maylinne Peters, Matt McFarland

    Room: Ryman Studio R
  • 474

    iPads—An Educator’s Most Powerful Tool

    iPads are here to stay and soon nearly every classroom in the nation will have them. Find out how you can be leading the pack and bringing your students along with you using this amazing device. We will demonstrate how revolutionary this can be to the learning environment.


    Phil Wilhelm

    Room: Governor's Chamber D
  • 475

    What we need to know about Heritage Health Foods

    Learn about Heritage Health Foods. See some of their products and how their products are available to the colleges and academies for purchase.


    Eric Otis

    Room: Delta Island Boardroom
  • 476

    RenWeb’s Online Enrollment

    Save parents the frustration of completing the same paper enrollment forms year after year, and your staff from re-keying demographic data into RenWeb. Online Enrollment is a powerful new tool that provides end-to-end enrollment and reenrollment processes for new and returning students.


    Ginger Reed

    Room: Ryman Studio A
  • 477

    RenWeb’s Mobile Applications For School and Home

    Enhance access and use of RenWeb by school personnel, while improving families’ experience in monitoring their child’s progress and information. RenWeb’s mobile applications allow users to perform critical tasks like entering grades and attendance, creating alert messages, and enabling parents access to a host of services including grade progress and attendance data.


    Bob Wilbers

    Room: Ryman Studio B
  • 478

    InformationNow Classroom Attendance, Rosters, and Reports

    This hands-on style session, designed for the classroom teacher, will guide InformationNOW users through the process of taking attendance, viewing and managing rosters and seating charts, and running reports from within the classroom menu.


    Software Technology, Inc.

    Room: Ryman B
  • 479

    InformationNow Classroom Lesson Plan, Grade Book Setup and Entry

    InformationNOW teachers will be led through a hands-on style session that will cover initial grade book setup, daily activity and lesson plan entry, and using the grade book as tool to communicate with parents.


    Software Technology, Inc.

    Room: Ryman E
  • 480

    Using student data to make labels, create class lists, and Emergency contact lists

    This session will teach participants to use the student list features. This will enable them to create mailing labels, book labels, Birthday lists, emergency contact lists etc….. Following the short presentation there will be time for participants to receive individual help.


    Stacy Gusky

    Room: Ryman D
  • 481

    Early Childhood Education Risk Management

    There are countless challenges, regulations, parental and legal expectations and risk exposures found in opening and operating a childcare center, but nothing can outweigh the rewards. Come join us as we look at ways to reduce risk exposures and enhance safety in early childhood eduction facilities.


    John Dougan

    Room: Ryman Studio L
  • 482

    Effective Communicators (How to Foster Positive Relationships in the Workplace)

    This presentation will examine various personality, life experience, and psychological factors that can contribute to breakdowns in effective communication. The ability to work with others is key to success in any organization. The educational setting is no exception. This presentation will be interactive and discussion-based.


    Jeremy Hall

    Room: Tennessee A
  • 483

    An Adventist Approach to Cognitive Science

    Cognitive science, the study of the mind, brain, and thinking, is the basis for evidence-based teaching practices. However, popularization of cognitive science can sometimes introduce ideas that hamper student learning and undermine Adventist educational philosophy. This talk will provide Adventist educators with principles for using cognitive science and brain-based learning.


    Karl Bailey

    Room: Presidential C
  • 484

    Get Wild About Fitness and Health: Integrating Content with Fun!

    Discover standards-based comprehensive lessons to teach and reinforce learning while being fun, through demonstrated activities from our Fab 5 Physical Activity Program. See how easy it can be to “teach” fitness and health while actively having fun through intentional movement, intrinsically motivating children to pursue an active lifestyle.


    Jabet Wheeler

    Room: Presidential E
  • 485

    Healthy, Happy Teachers

    Teachers have demanding, multi-faceted jobs, but they can still be healthy, happy people. Apply these simple, practical methods for a more balanced life.


    Matthew White

    Room: Tennessee B
  • 486

    Youth “doing” Ministry Formula: YM2

    Distinguish your school from all other Christian schools in your city. This workshop guides you through the process for turning student’s interests into ministries that can benefit your school’s enrollment and the community. Once established, the YM2 guide will help each student direct and maintain their own ministry interest with minimal supervision.


    James Black

    Room: Tennessee C
  • 487

    What Students Tell Us About Cyberbullying

    Students know more about school cyber bullying and violence than adults want to admit. Learn what students say about crime at school; learn how to deter bullying and potentially thwart a criminal act. This presentation will provide information to protect your students and campuses; it will protect students by prevention.


    Bruce Canal

    Room: Presidential D
  • 488

    Adventist Schools: Communities of Faith (Part 1)

    Adventist schools are viewed as “communities of faith” in which every aspect contributes to the ultimate goal of Christian education – comprehensive restoration. This thoroughly biblical, Christ-centered model offers an integrated framework for Christian educators to evaluate their work, both individually and corporately, and to address recognized needs systematically.


    Don Roy

    Room: Tennessee D
  • 489

    Music Spa

    Come, relax, take a break and enjoy the therapeutic effects of music improvisation. This is a hands-on event where all abilities are welcome, even if you’ve never played an instrument before in your life! Personal instruments welcome.


    Kerri Williams

    Room: Presidential Chamber A
  • 490

    Budget Stretchers: How to Get Anything Free For Children

    Discover the only three things you need in order to break through the red tape of getting free items for children. When budgets are strained or changed, when sponsors are no longer available, when you can no longer afford to dig into your own pockets—you need some budget-stretchers! Here they are…come and get them.


    Purette Mills

    Room: Tennessee E
  • 491

    Together Growing Fruitful Disciples: Teaching for Discipleship

    Why is being a disciple important for you, as well as your students? What does it mean to be a disciple? Learn how you can disciple others as well as be discipled, and what teaching for discipleship can look like in your classroom.


    Bonita Shields

    Room: Washington B
  • 492

    Teachers Who Bully Students: What Research Says, What can Be Done

    An engaging look at what is known about teachers who mistreat students. Learn why some teachers bully students and what effect that has on students and families. Glean some helpful tips on damage control and consider some promising long-term solutions.


    Jim Weller

    Room: Delta Island E
  • 493

    Practical Principles for Practicing Principals

    Have you fallen into a yearly administrative rut? Are you a fairly new principal seeking fresh ideas? This is a top 10 list of practical advice/useful tips for principals. It is based on one principal’s perspective after 20 years of teaching and seven years of administration.


    Tim Kubrock

    Room: Delta Island F
  • 494

    Who Owns the Learning?

    Perhaps the most powerful idea in technology and learning is the opportunity for students to manage and lead more of their own learning. Powerful new tools, such as screen casting and global learning communities can lead to higher student work ethic. Educators are more important than ever!


    Alan November

    Room: Delta Ballroom
  • 495

    RED BOOK—Guidelines and Policies for School Health and Safety

    Do you have questions regarding student health, school safety, volunteers, field trips, employee health, background checks, student records, and more? The answers can be found in the RED BOOK, where guidelines, policies and forms for all these areas have been compiled by SECC Office of Education to help you.


    Anita Bennie

    Room: Delta Island A
  • 496

    Building Your Fundraising Team—Avoiding the Solo Performance

    Because one of the most important fundraising tenets is “the right person asking the right prospect,” it’s vital to develop a functional and professional team of volunteers, board members, colleagues, and others who participate in the fundraising process. This session will provide suggestions and materials for building a successful fundraising team.


    Lilya Wagner

    Room: Presidential A
  • 497

    Contractual Minefields for School Administrators

    School administrators enter into a variety of contracts without the benefit of counsel on what they are signing or what rights they are giving up or committing to. Explore what administrators should know about contracts and the legal repercussions for them, their school and their conference.


    Karnik Doukmetzian

    Room: Presidential B
  • 498

    Work/Life Balance for the Principal

    Is the day never too long for you to get your work done as the school principal? Do you consistently work a 12-14 hr work day? Do you struggle to maintain balance between your personal and professional life? Research and proven strategies will be provided for learning to achieve balance in your life.


    Janet Ledesma

    Room: Delta Island B
  • 499

    Online Lead Explosion—How to More Than Triple New Family Leads (Part 1)

    Look at every major Internet strategy to generate prospective parent leads: calls to action, content, audience, search engine optimization, landing pages, pay per click, and various social media and Internet PR tools, including Twitter, Facebook, and others. Every aspect of the session is focused on one goal: finding new prospective parent families.


    Dan Krause

    Room: Presidential Chamber B

Useful Links

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