Hotel Information
Reserve your hotel room by June 1, 2012. Due to the already overwhelming response of attendees to the convention, blocks of rooms have been reserved for exhibitors at the following hotels.
Radisson Hotel (615) 889–0800
- 400 rooms
- $99/night plus tax
- Parking – free
- Shuttle services will be provided
Visit website for more information.
Best Western Suites (615) 902–9940
201 Music City Circle
Nashville, Tennessee 37214–1220
- 50 rooms
- $105/night plus tax
- Parking – free
- Shuttle services will be provided
Visit website for more information.
Radisson Hotel (615) 889-0800
2516 Music Valley Dr.
Nashville, Tennessee 37214
- 50 rooms
- $94/night plus tax
- Parking – free
- Shuttle services will be provided
Visit website for more information.
Radisson Hotel (615) 889-0800
211 Music City Circle
Nashville, Tennessee 37214
- 35 rooms
- $134/night plus tax
- Parking – free
- Shuttle services will be provided
Visit website for more information.