Breakout Session: 100

  • 100

    How to be Aware of your Educational Environment? — The “What If” Mindset

    How to be Aware of your Educational Environment? — The “What If” mindset Based on current trends of school violence with students and with school personnel. This session will prepare you to become aware of your environment for both your professional and personal life. Taught by a Subject Matter Expert for the Department of Defense.


    Scott Rackley

    Room: Ryman Ballroom A
  • 101

    Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) General Session

    The NAD Office of Education welcomes ECEC! This general session will provide ECEC teachers, administrators, and supporters the opportunity to meet NAD leadership, to participate in casting the future vision for ECEC, to network with other ECEC personnel across the Division, and to gain valuable resources and information. Participants will also have the opportunity to win gifts — digital camera with printer, gift cards, artwork, an iPad and more!


    Davenia Lea

    Room: Magnolia Ballroom
  • 102

    Pathways Writing Workshop

    Receive a brief introduction to each Pathways component and how each part works together as a whole. After a quick look at the program’s philosophy of subject integration, the presentation focuses on the Writing Workshop. Learn how to create and implement a plan for including the Pathways Writing Workshop into the classroom.


    Alison Jobson

    Room: Jackson B
  • 103

    Meaningful Reading Assessment with the use of Running Records

    This session will introduce and review the why and how-to of using running records during reading instruction. This powerful assessment tool is useful in tracking progress and informing your instruction.


    Cheryl The

    Room: Jackson D
  • 104

    Brain Development and the Young Child

    This session deals with issues related to stages of brain/body development and age-appropriate stimulation for our youngest students in formal education. Subtopics include: hot-housing of children, critical periods of development (syntax, vision, reading readiness, learned helplessness), whole-child nurture, novelty and the brain, importance of play, and others.


    Linda Caviness

    Room: Canal B
  • 105

    Quick and Easy Ways to Teach Time, Money, and Multiplication

    Learn how to teach children in kindergarten-third grade how to tell time, count money and multiply within a few days of starting school.


    Tiffany McNealy

    Room: Jackson C
  • 106

    Kindergarten Stepping Stones Overview

    Kindergarten Stepping Stones is a developmentally appropriate, integrated kindergarten curriculum that utilizes literature-based themes with strong spiritual connections so children may get to know God better and love Him more. Children are loved, nurtured, and encouraged to think, learn, choose, and grow on their journey of discovering God’s intimate love for them.


    Robert Robinson

    Room: Jackson E
  • 107

    Kindergarten Stepping Stones Lead Teacher Follow-up

    Calling all lead teachers. If you attended the Kindergarten Stepping Stones Lead Teacher Training in Sacramento or San Antonio, this session is for you. Come share your experiences from teaching the new curriculum this past year and dialogue with colleagues about training and inservice sessions you will conduct for teachers in your conferences.


    Patti Revolinski

    Room: Jackson F
  • 108 & 109


    Recieve an overview of the new elementary mathematics materials for the students in grades K-6. Each group will have an opportunity to look at the new “Go Math” materials, learn about the program’s organization and resources, view technology demonstrations, and interact with several activities designed to meet the needs of your classroom.



    Room: Ryman Studio J/K, Ryman Studio H/I
  • 112

    Fun and Easy Art Lessons for the Lower Grades

    Kids’ art can be simple, yet offer a wonderful chance for exploring and learning about art media, design and famous artists. In this seminar we will explore easy and fun ways to teach art to children, even if you don’t think you are artistic! Learn how to incorporate these easy art lessons into your curriculum with very little teacher preparation.


    Judith Markham

    Room: Jackson A
  • 115 & 116

    Get the Big Picture about Big Ideas Math

    Come for the snapshot tour of the Big Ideas Math Common Core Program for your 6-8 grade students. Big Ideas Learning will describe all the Big Ideas materials and how they will create enthusiasm, excitement and deeper understanding of mathematics for students. The album includes activitites, Laurie’s Notes, cutting-edge technology and more.


    Room: Ryman Studio D/E and Ryman Studio F/G
  • 117

    Hands-on Reading—Making Reading Fun in Grades 5-8

    Discover thematic literature units that connect students to the book and the characters in the book. The presentation demonstrates how to incorporate hands-on, fun activities that get the students personally involved in the story. These units also teach students the reading and language arts skills necessary for high school.


    Chris Juhl

    Room: Lincoln C
  • 118

    Discrepant Events: More Bang, Fewer Bucks!

    Discover easy, effective, affordable ways to bring your science class to life. Discrepant events (science experiments with unexpected outcomes) help cement scientific concepts for your students. Numerous discrepant events, inexpensive and simple enough for students to reproduce at home, will be demonstrated.


    Gary Bradley

    Room: Lincoln A
  • 119

    The Class Clown: Using Humor in the Language Classroom

    Use humor to increase interest, energy and proficiency in your classroom while giving your students the skills they need to be funny in their new language. Learn from a Spanish teacher and hospital clown how clown skills like physical comedy, stagemanship, silly songs and improv can enhance your teaching.


    Rita Barrett

    Room: Lincoln D
  • 120

    praiseTime Guitar for Adventist Schools

    The praiseTime guitar program provides quality guitar instruction to students unable to afford private lessons and an avenue for music instruction for students who do not otherwise enroll in music classes. It covers basic music notation, tablature, and chords. Furthermore, it provides an avenue of personal enrichment that might last a lifetime.


    Pablo Aguilar

    Room: Lincoln B
  • 122

    Inquiring Minds—By Design

    At a time when the Biblical creation story is under attack, how should Christians relate to science? A deeper understanding of scientific inquiry can help us better understand the Creator and think clearly about the issues in the creation/evolution debate.


    Carol Raney

    Room: Canal A
  • 123

    Library Shop Talk

    This is an opportunity for librarians, teachers, and anyone interested in making their school library a better resource for students. We will talk together and share tips and tricks and ideas for libraries of any size. Come prepared with questions or ideas to share.


    Audrey Campbell

    Room: Canal D
  • 124

    Classroom Management and Discipline Without Distress

    This presentation focuses on discipline and classroom management strategies that teachers and administrators can use to enhance the growth and development of students. Areas of emphasis include: 1.Establishing a culture of learning. 2.Setting the tone for a productive classroom. 3.Strategies for dealing with misbehavior. 4.Integrating faith with classroom management and discipline.


    Elvin Gabriel

    Room: Bayou D
  • 125

    No $$Mun$$, No Problem—PE Can Still Be Fun!

    Small schools, with limited budgets, often cannot afford to employ a PE teacher. Consequently, the classroom teacher becomes responsible for teaching physical education. During this informative, participation-oriented session, Dr. Debbie Morgan will demonstrate a variety of unique, low-budget activities that elementary students love and classroom teachers find easy to implement.


    Debbie Morgan

    Room: Lincoln E
  • 126

    Write Now!

    How can you help strugglers, as well as high-achievers, reach new heights in their writing? This lively workshop will use actual student writing samples to show you how to move each child forward from their baseline.


    Sandra Doran

    Room: Bayou E
  • 127

    Making Science Activities Educational: Using the New Science Series

    The new NAD grades 1-8 science series is designed around the inquiry approach. This seminar is designed to show how activities can not only be enjoyed by the students but can be educational as well. Emphasis will be given to asking appropriate questions.


    Lee Davidson

    Room: Bayou A
  • 128

    Homeschoolers: Tips on Helping Them Adjust to the Regular Classroom

    Learn ways to include homeschoolers in the regular school program and ideas on incorporating former homeschoolers in the classroom.


    Lolita Davidson Campbell

    Room: Canal E
  • 129

    A Heritage Worth Talking About

    Each new generation needs to hear the Adventist story so that we don’t lose our unique identity. This presentation will feature faith-building stories about our pioneers, young and old, showing their sacrifice, commitment, and determination to share the news of Christ’s soon return.


    James Nix

    Room: Bayou C
  • 130

    By Design: A Journey to Excellence through Science for Grades 1-8

    This engaging, rigorous, and developmentally appropriate curriculum nurtures a child’s natural curiousity as they explore the wonderment of God’s creation through the lens of the Bible. The program focuses on the users’ experience so that all elements invite, engage, instruct, and motivate students and teachers to continue learning and building their science knowledge.


    Lynn Molony, Kendall Hunt, Dan Wyrick, Lee Davidson, Jean Buller, and By Design Lead Teachers

    Room: Bayou B
  • 131

    Using Little Books to Teach Big Ideas

    Using fact-based little books and puppet scripts, the presenter will briefly describe the research behind raised comprehension and vocabulary- building, followed by showing attendees how to make the books.


    Tamara Randolph

    Room: Canal C
  • 133

    Geogebra: Powertool for Your Math Classroom

    This presentation explores the use of Geogebra, a free tool, in the math classroom. Examples from algebra through calculus will be shown, as well as an introduction to the web site with many lesson ideas that have been prepared by others.


    Tim Kaldahl

    Room: Hermitage D
  • 134

    Multimodal Composition: Teaching Composition for Now!

    Multimodal composition has often been relegated as “other” to standard textual composition. I will discuss how multimodality should be taught as part of standard composition instruction to avoid students falling behind in modern society, and provide practical examples of how this may be done.


    Mick Howard

    Room: Cheekwood A
  • 135

    Apps for the Secondary Educator

    Bring your iPhone, iPod or iPad and let’s share what works! In this hands-on session we will explore the thousands of Apps available and learn what works for teachers and students. Come prepared to share your three most useful Apps.


    Warren Dale

    Room: Hermitage C
  • 136

    Dual Enrollment for Global Education

    This presentation explores some tangible and viable approaches for effective K-16 language articulation toward an enhanced global education through a dual language program offered to worthy juniors/seniors in high schools and academies. I propose offering distance interactive network modes toward a more intentional international and global curriculum initiative.


    Carlos Parra

    Room: Cheekwood E
  • 137

    Don’t Just Read Your Bible—Study It!

    We all believe that Bible study is a necessity for spiritual growth, but no one teaches us how to do it. In this breakout you’ll learn at least 10 different ways to make the Scriptures come alive for your students—and yourself.


    Renee Coffee

    Room: Hermitage E
  • 138

    Connecting: How to Prepare and Present a Worship Talk

    Content and Delivery—those are the human parts for a worship talk; only God can do the supernatural. Discover a method that gathers gems from Scripture and draws listeners to share and live that experience. Identify the key elements for a public presentation, whether for school chapel, small group worship, or preaching at a constituent church.


    Steve Case

    Room: Cheekwood C
  • 140

    Writing Plays for Christian Audiences

    The Christian experience is full of love, loss, humor, and victory. Inner turmoil is difficult for believers (or anyone) to express. But the mysteries of faith and sacrifice are real. This workshop will introduce specific ways to write on these topics using powerful dialogue for the stage.


    Travis Tyre

    Room: Belle Meade C
  • 141

    Lovin’ the Social Studies

    Add some new teaching strategies to your lesson plans based on the National Council for the Social Studies thematic strands. This presentation will provide hands-on, interactive, and easy-to-implement methods to enrich your secondary courses. Extensive resources will be provided. Participants can anticipate being actively involved during the session.


    Cathy Olson

    Room: Cheekwood H
  • 142

    Using Multimedia Clips to Open Discussions and Reinforce Key Concepts in Bible Class

    First, attend “class” as a “student,” as Pastor Daniel Gregory demonstrates a teaching sequence focused on a unit-length theme, starting with selected multimedia clips, followed by journal questions, and culminating in a class discussion. Then switch to “teacher mode” and deconstruct the unit and lesson plans.


    Daniel Gregory

    Room: Presidential Boardroom B
  • 143

    Gymnastic Safety and Risk Management

    What you should consider before you ever step in the gym or on the mats.


    Christian Lighthall

    Room: Belmont B
  • 144

    Using the Visual Valet Model to Develop a Biblical Perspective

    Wishing you had time to sift the web for quality literature, ESL, math or other resources aligned with a Christian worldview? Discover how the Visual Valet model helps students develop biblically integrated thinking to connect learning across all content areas. Tour the best Adventist high school resources available through


    Glynis Bradfield

    Room: Belmont C
  • 145

    SHOPTALK: Secondary Religion Teachers


    Room: Cheekwood B
  • 146

    SHOPTALK: Secondary Science


    Room: Cheekwood F
  • 147

    SHOPTALK: Secondary Physical Education


    Room: Cheekwood G
  • 149

    Educational Digital Gaming and Student Learning Outcomes

    This presentation will explain how digital gaming is being incorporated into the curriculum to engage our students in the learning process. We need to understand that raising kids in the 21st century will require our teaching methods to change to create excitement in the classroom.


    Luis Grados

    Room: Ryman C
  • 150

    Building Extraordinary Sentences: Teaching Grammar Through Composition

    This presentation provides strategies for teaching grammar through authentic writing exercises in place of textbooks and worksheets. By drawing on research and experience, the presentation offers classroom-tested techniques designed to enrich students’ understanding of grammatical concepts while applying them to actual writing situations.


    Matthew Lukens

    Room: Ryman Studio C
  • 151

    Where are All the Children Gone?

    Enrollment in SDA schools in the NAD has been on a precipitious slide for the past 30 plus years, despite the fact that church membership has gone up by 70% during that same period of time. There is a biblical paradigm that addresses this decline. Renaissance in Adventist Christian Education (ACE) is not only a need, but a biblical guarantee.


    L. Roo McKenzie

    Room: Ryman Studio M
  • 152

    Teaching Students Through Their Emotional Intelligences

    This presentation will address the concept of Emotional Intelligences (EI) and the role they play in how students learn. Theory and applicable strategies will be introduced for teachers to use in their respective classrooms.


    June Fiorito

    Room: Ryman Studio N
  • 153

    Choosing a Bible Translation for Study and Classroom Use

    Since there are so many Bible translations available, how do educators choose a translation for their study needs and for use by the students? In this presentation we will review principles that will guide you in making the decision. We will review selected translations.


    Nikolaus Satelmajer

    Room: Ryman Studio O
  • 154

    Teaching to the Emotional and Spiritual Needs of our Students

    This hands-on workshop focuses on the emotional and spiritual needs of four distinct groups of learners. Easily identifying those needs and adapting lessons to be intentional about reaching our students for Jesus will be our goal. Plan on discussion, activity, and fun as we learn proven strategies together!


    DeeAnn Bragaw

    Room: Ryman Studio P
  • 156

    Enhancing the Spiritual Dimension in the K-12 Classroom

    Receive a practical guide for incorporating spiritual values and experiences in the classroom. Every teacher should be a spiritual mentor to the students in their classroom. The purpose of Adventist Education is to provide that aspect of learning in an atmosphere that promotes a relationship with the Lord.


    Robert Egbert

    Room: Ryman Studio Q
  • 157

    Learning Inhibitors That Place Students At Risk

    What inhibits brain development? Educators must equip themselves with knowledge of inhibitors impacting brain development and learning. Examine various environmental influences, such as the decline of the family, media/advertising, Internet dangers, and bullying, that adversely affect a child’s development and function. Learn strategies to protect and nurture the maturing brain.


    Gene Brewer

    Room: Ryman Studio R
  • 159

    Hyperlexia: What, Why, How?

    While most educators understand and can help students with dyslexia, they have never heard of hyperlexia. This is a reading disability on the opposite end on the spectrum from dyslexia—a very real problem that needs to be addressed. Hyperlexia will be identified and explored, including techniques to help students who need it.


    Julianne Primero

    Room: Hermitage A
  • 160

    REACH; Gain Strategies for Working with Your Struggling Students

    This workshop is designed to help teachers walk through the REACH process, from determining the characteristics of students with learning needs to learning what strategies, accommodations, and resources are available to help these students become more successful. The REACH manual is a free resource for all Adventist educators.


    Lori Aguilera

    Room: Hermitage B
  • 162

    Google Tools for Teaching and Learning

    You’re probably already using Google as a search tool. But did you know it offers far more than that for your classroom? In this session we’ll explore iGoogle, Google Docs, Google Maps, Google Calendar, Blogger, and other cool Google tools—we’ll also discuss setting up and managing student logins and accounts.


    Tammy Worchester

    Room: Governor's North
  • 163

    iPad, iPod Touch, iPhone Tips and Tricks

    Learn and share tips and tricks when using iDevices. Whether you are a new user or an experienced pro, this session will provide ways to save you time and answer your questions.


    Patsy Lancios

    Room: Governor's South
  • 164

    Let Technology Organize your Small School Library

    Find out how to catalog a school library. Lecture will include a discussion of various software and hardware requirements needed to complete the process, from cheap to more robust. Presenter will provide ongoing support for anyone needing help cataloging their libraryFind out how to catalog a school library. Lecture will include a discussion of various software and hardware requirements needed to complete the process, from cheap to more robust. Presenter will provide ongoing support for anyone needing help cataloging their library.


    Ken Nelson

    Room: Governor's Chamber A
  • 165

    Videoconferencing: Discover the Possibilities

    Oh the places you will go with desktop or room-based videoconferencing! Learn about free NASA programs, quality interactive content from zoos and museums, and amazing videoconferencing projects for your students. Find out what technology you need to participate and how to bring the world into your classroom.


    Janine Lim

    Room: Governor's Chamber B
  • 166

    Apps for the Elementary Classroom

    Bring your iPhone, iPod or iPad and let’s share what works! In this hands-on session we will be exploring the thousands of Apps available and learn what works for teachers, including multiplayer apps. Come prepared to share your three most useful Apps.


    Judy Nunez

    Room: Governor's Chamber D
  • 167

    Terminology 101

    This session is for teachers who have no knowledge in using the computer and need to become familiar with the basic terminology.


    Sandra Green

    Room: Presidential Chamber A
  • 168

    High-Tech Classroom, Low-Tech Budget

    See software and hardware that can be had at low—or no—cost that can bring your classroom into the future; software and hardware for creating instructional videos, how to improvise a document camera, how to create an interactive whiteboard with a Wii remote and more.


    James C Davis Jr

    Room: Governor's Chamber E
  • 169

    New Media Marketing and Branding

    This presentation will cover helping schools market and brand to the community, teaching students how to be the face of Adventist education, and using new media (social networking) to work for your classroom, school, or event.


    Kenn Dixon

    Room: Governor's Chamber C
  • 170

    Menu Planning

    Guidelines to menu planning for your college or academy food service that are easy to follow and will help you prepare your menus with ease.


    Brenda Hodgins

    Room: Delta Island Boardroom
  • 171

    RenWeb’s Online Application

    Eliminate paper applications. An online application provides a more polished image for your school, simplifies processes, and lowers costs by eliminating manual data entry. Online Application dramatically simplifies the admissions process by integrating configurable applications with RenWeb’s admission management feature to provide schools a complete online application process.


    Ginger Reed

    Room: Ryman Studio A
  • 172

    How to Use Moodle to Organize, Sequence, and Share Digital Content in a 1:1 Device Program

    When launching 1:1 device programs, schools often focus on management of the devices, not the content. How will you organize and save your content so you can reuse it? See how Moodle can maximize a school’s investment in their 1:1 program by organizing content to create a rich, interactive learning experience for students.


    Brad Lee

    Room: Ryman Studio B
  • 173

    InformationNOW Classroom Attendance, Rosters, and Reports

    This hands-on style session, designed for the classroom teacher, will guide InformationNOW users through the process of taking attendance, viewing and managing rosters and seating charts, and running reports from within the classroom menu.


    Software Technology, Inc.

    Room: Ryman Ballroom A
  • 174

    InformationNOW Classroom Lesson Plan, Grade Book Setup and Entry

    InformationNOW teachers will be led through a hands-on style session that will cover initial grade book setup, daily activity and lesson plan entry, and using the grade book as tool to communicate with parents.


    Software Technology, Inc.

    Room: Ryman E
  • 175

    Setting Up Your School Year

    This session will demonstrate how to effectively set up Small School Minder so that it allows the teaching staff to easily input grades and manage student data. Following the short presentation there will be time for participants to receive individual help.


    Stacy Gusky

    Room: Ryman D
  • 176

    “Shield the Vulnerable,” It’s More than Child Abuse Prevention

    Can you spot child abuse? Do you know the characteristics of child predators? Shield the Vulnerable’s educational component provides this knowledge and much, much more. Additional on-line courses including bullying, cyber danger and dating abuse are available for you and your students.


    William Chunestudy

    Room: Ryman Studio L
  • 177

    Wholly Healthy: It’s a Whole Lot More than Tofu and Triathlons

    We all know that eating healthful foods and getting regular exercise is essential to wholesome living. But we can achieve the pinnacle of physical health, and still not be “wholly healthy.” Might our priorities and life balance affect our health? And how about faith, hope, and love—can we be wholly healthy without them?


    Ted Hamilton

    Room: Tennessee A
  • 178

    CognitiveGenesis Final Descriptive Results: How Does Adventist Education Measure Up?

    A report of the major CognitiveGenesis findings related to student growth in achievement and ability over the four years of the study, including how school size and number of years in an Adventist school are related to outcomes.


    Elissa Kido

    Room: Tennessee C
  • 179

    Scheming With Schema

    Often students’ prior knowledge is not adequate to make connections needed in learning content. Psychologists maintain that learning new information depends on relating the new to something already known. This seminar stresses the importance of prior knowledge.


    Kathy Bollinger

    Room: Presidential Boardroom A
  • 180

    Humorous and Inspiring Sketches about Teaching, Classrooms, and Students

    Join this humorous, fun and interactive session and learn the transforming power of improvisation in teaching. Through dynamic exercises and group reflection you will discover how effective teachers embrace improv skills. Learning take-aways include: • Enhanced Creative Thinking • Improved Listening and Observation • Team Development Join the fun! Woo Hoo


    Karen Tilstra

    Room: Magnolia Boardroom B
  • 181

    Soul Shaper Lessons from Diving Boards and Road Bikes

    The Soul Shaper principles point to much deeper truths than simply fostering non-coercive classroom strategies. Come and discover how Choice Theory helps us to better understand some of our most important Christian beliefs, especially the freedom God desires us and our students to experience every day.


    Jim Roy

    Room: Belmont A
  • 182

    The Adventist School: A Community of Faith and Learning

    Explore a model developed to visualize the characteristics that make an Adventist school distinctively “Adventist.” This presentation includes elements regarding the Australian context, discipleship and the new Bible curriculum under development.


    Georgina Winzenried

    Room: Presidential C
  • 183

    Emotional Intelligence: Reaching the Brain through the Heart

    Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to perceive, control and evaluate emotions. Some researchers suggest that emotional intelligence can be learned and strengthened, while others claim it is an inborn characteristic. Teachers, by adopting these skills that would increase their Emotional Quotient, can increase the achievement level of their students.


    Freddy Fuentes

    Room: Presidential E
  • 184

    Subduing the Chaos: Becoming “Organized Enough”

    If you envy your perfectly organized colleagues…if piles of student papers multiply on your desk…if “I used it last year, now where did it go?” is a frequent lament, this session is for you! You’ll identify key clarifying questions, receive practical suggestions, and learn working systems to become “organized enough.”


    Cheri Gregory

    Room: Tennessee B
  • 185

    The Renaissance Network

    The Renaissance Network is a program of the Alumni Awards Foundation, a nonprofit working to improve Adventist K-12 education. The Renaissance Network is an initiative that improves the level of excellence in schools by providing leadership, resources and training. Come learn how it works and participate in a Q&A.


    Melanie Litchfield

    Room: Tennessee D
  • 186

    Social Networking

    Learn social media etiquette for students and guidelines for educators using social networking sites.


    Dionne Rowe

    Room: Presidential D
  • 187

    Why SDA Schools Need to Change

    Culture has changed; parents have changed; student brains have changed. Adventists’ unique educational mission can only be fulfilled through improvement. Status quo is not an option.


    Lyle Bennett

    Room: Tennesse E
  • 188

    Partnering With Our K-12 Colleagues

    How can Adventist colleges and universities facilitate a successful transition into college life for academy students? This discussion will focus on ways higher ed would like to participate with K-12 educators to create better collaboration for student achievement.


    Randal Wisbey

    Room: Washington B
  • 189

    Transportation and Mission Trip Risks

    It’s more than the destination and the mission project! Come and learn concerns and practical solutions in safely transporting your children and youth there and back, making the ministry package complete for our kids and sponsors.


    Tim Northrop

    Room: Ryman F
  • 190

    Teacher Evaluations…One Size does not Fit All

    All teachers have different evaluation needs. The same standard form-driven evaluation used for all teachers rarely encourages teacher growth. Learn some strategies to differentiate the practice of teacher evaluations that will promote teacher growth and assure quality teaching in every classroom.


    Datha Tickner

    Room: Delta Island E
  • 191

    Five Steps to Increased Giving at Your School

    Think you have to hire a full-time fundraiser? Learn what you can do at your school to bring in more donations. Successful fundraising—no matter the size of your school. It can happen to you!


    Charlotte Henderson

    Room: Delta Island C
  • 192

    Don’t Waste Your Time on Strategic Planning

    Developing a brief and useful strategic plan need not be difficult. This seminar identifies the steps that can be taken, building on what your school has already done, to provide a practical direction that enjoys significant support, and which will enhance your school’s success.


    Steve Pawluk

    Room: Delta Island A
  • 193

    Leading Up: Practicing Leadership at Any Level

    Educators must employ many leadership skills, yet many are not in top or designated power positions. If they are successful, they provide leadership in the truest sense–leadership that doesn’t come from position or power, but is built on proven characteristics. Leading without authority isn’t easy, but it’s essential for the successful educational professional.


    Lilya Wagner

    Room: Presidential A
  • 194

    Unexpected Should Never Mean Unprepared

    Our schools have a legal and moral responsibility to plan for the maximum safety and welfare of students, staff and visitors during school hours and activities. This participatory class will help develop /review your school’s disaster preparedness plan, the needed preparatory drills and exercises, and the logistics of an emergency.


    Anita Bennie

    Room: Delta Island B
  • 195

    Legal Issues in the Educational Setting

    An administrator is sometimes faced with legal issues they are not equipped to recognize or handle. We will look at some of these legal issues and discuss ways to deal with them. Real examples will be used to illustrate and highlight the issues and potential solutions.


    Karnik Doukmetzian

    Room: 195
  • 196

    My Collaborative Relationship with my Pastor—or Not?

    Principal/Pastor relationships as they relate to mentoring, collaboration, communication, and support will be defined and discussed. If you are the principal or constituent church pastor of a school, then this session is for you. Come and discuss how you can enhance your working relationship through researched and proven collaborative practices.


    Janet Ledesma

    Room: Delta Island F
  • 197

    From Phone Call to Enrollment

    A comprehensive look at the enrollment closing process used with great success by GraceWorks’ Christian school clients all over North America. Practical and detailed strategies to increase the number of prospective families visiting your school, and enrolling once they get there.


    Dan Krause

    Room: Presidential Chamber B
  • 198

    Growing Your SDA School

    Leaders of growing SDA schools from around the division will share best practices they believe helped increase the enrollment in their individual schools. Everyone is invited to join the discussion and share what is working for them as we try to reach all our children for Jesus.


    Judy Shull

    Room: Delta Island D
  • 199

    Bullying In School, The Myths and the Facts

    Take the first step in reducing the threat of bullying on campus by learning what is myth and what is fact. The public believes many things about bullying, some from experience and more from the media. Come learn how 35 years of research data from Dan Olweus and others can dispel the myths which enable bullying to remain a problem for schools.


    Richard Pershing

    Room: Belle Meade B

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